As a Haitian American born and raised in New York, author and entrepreneur Jenny Delacruz was always aware of the importance of diversity and how each person has a story that weaves back generations. As a Children’s Book Author & Licensed Professional Counselor, Jenny, has a released her latest book “Momma, Can I Sleep with You Tonight? Helping Children Cope with the Impact of Covid-19,” to help children, families and educators deal with the impact of COVID-19. Many of us have lost loved ones due to the coronavirus, and the majority of us are facing the loss of the normalcy we once had in our lives. It's important to note that loss can manifest itself differently in children.
"I just want to tell myself that COVID-19 is not real!"
"Trust me son, I do too."
How do you talk to your child about their very real fears? How do you make it better when the world changes into something unrecognizable? When her child can't sleep and things look bleak, this Momma knows exactly what to do.
Children's author Jenny Delacruz, author of the Fridays With Ms. Mélange series, stepped up to tackle the tough topics of talking to your kids about a pandemic while calming any panic or fear. As viral outbreaks like COVID-19 become a real fear for many people around the globe, Momma, Can I Sleep with You Tonight? offers a compassionate look at social distancing and how it affects our children.

Following the story, Jenny provides psychoeducation about the major stages of grief and how it manifests in the behavior of children. Tools and resources are shared to equip you with how to begin the journey of processing grief with children. This all-ages storybook is designed to soothe, comfort, and explain hard topics without leading kids into even more stress.
Every good children’s book is also for adults. It gives everyone time slow down and tap into thoughts and emotions that promotes mental health. It's the perfect picture book to read with children to help them understand and work through their confusion, fear, and even anger at the things they cannot do right now.
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About The Author
Jenny Delacruz is the CEO and founder of Cobbs Creek Publishing. Each story promotes critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence in children. In her counseling practice, Jenny specializes in family conflicts, trauma, grief and parenting issues.
If you want more of Jenny Delacruz’s work, check out her first book, Fridays with Ms. Mélange: Haiti. She has a YouTube channel called Storytime with Ms. Mélange where she reads diverse children’s books aloud. You can also visit her online at