Do you buy black? Wherever you are, look around you. How many of your belongings come from a Black-owned business? One? None? How often do you support local Black-owned businesses and restaurants? There are thousands of Black entrepreneurs that deserve your support. These times are calling for us to support and patronize their businesses, but one day is not enough. It is a start, but this is a movement. And truly, 30 days isn't enough.
We are challenging you to familiarize yourself with Black-owned businesses and #BuyBlack all year 'round... starting with 30 days. Our hope is that these businesses will gain the exposure AND sales they deserve, and that you'll become lifetime consumers of Black-owned businesses.
And it continues with our “Juneteenth Buy Black Challenge”
What is it? Each day between Juneteenth (June 19) and July 19, Official Black Wall Street will highlight several Black-owned businesses from a specific industry (restaurants, toiletries, and more). During that time, we challenge YOU, our readers and followers, to not only highlight at least one of these businesses but also patronize them.
When is it? June 19 - July 19
Why should you join the challenge? With unemployment rates higher among Blacks than non-Blacks, Black-owned businesses create more jobs for Black workers. Additionally, they strengthen our communities, celebrate Black culture, and help bridge the racial wealth gap.
If there’s one thing that the Black community has consistently shown to others, it is that we are resilient. No matter how many times society and the world might try to knock us down, we always come back. We are powerful. We are loyal. We are supportive. And now is the time to prove it.
I am a Black business owner, how can I be highlighted on one of the challenge days? Sign up to list your business here:
Come back on June 19 to start the challenge with us. If you're a Black-owned business that would like to be included, join our network to list your business HERE. If you're already a member, sign up HERE.